On 20-04-2012 17:20, Mark Murawski wrote:
On 04/19/2012 10:34 PM, alan moore wrote:
On 04/19/2012 11:24 AM, Mark Murawski wrote:
Very rarely this happens... but it usually happens at the worst time.

Today I launched gimp and was image editing. All of a sudden I could
no loner send keyboard or mouse input to an window other than gimp.
Awesome keyboard shortcuts were not working, and mouse clicks and
drags were not registering.

Killing gimp didn't fix the problem and I was forced to restart.

This isn't specific to gimp either. I've found that if I click around
between windows too quickly I'll get the same problem.

This exact problem has also happened to my dad, but he's using xfce as
his window manager

This happens to me sometimes, and it's usually because I've hit mod4-R
and have a run prompt stealing all my keystrokes. I made my run prompt
more colorful so I'd notice it.

If it's happening in other DE's, though, it may be a video card lockup.
Are you running any kind of compositing in Awesome?

No composting.

It's not video card lockup because I can see video updates being done in
any window that is changing. I can move the cursor around, programs are
running just fine, but not accepting any input.

Seems a X input error for me, can you reproduce this?

Some times I have totally lose the control over input for X, and this was caused by xorg-input-drivers out-dated... Usually after system updates, This is not the case, but, ...

How are you starting X and awesome?

Best regards,

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