Gregor, my server has not joined the domain, and:

rdesktop -u USER -p XXXX -K -g 1280x800 IP

didn't work, too.

On 05/30/2012 08:49 PM, Gregor Zattler wrote:
> Hi quanta,
> * quanta <> [29. May. 2012]:
>> Sorry for my subject. I though of 'Enter' but I manually type 'Del' (due
>> to its popularity)
>> The problem is MOD4 + 1-9 doesn't work in `rdesktop -f -K -u <user> <ip>`.
>> It shows the Start dialog in Windows instead of switch to corresponding
>> tag in Awesome.
> I tried again:
> rdesktop -u USER -d DOMAIN -p XXXX -K -g 1280x800 IP
> works for me.  For some strange reason 
> rdesktop -K -u <user> <ip>
> and
> rdesktop -f -K -u <user> <ip>
> do not work for me...
> Ciao, gregor

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