❦ 29 juillet 2012 13:29 CEST, wojtek danilo <wojtek.danilo....@gmail.com> :

> yes of course :)
> Sorry for my late answer but I'm cleaning right now my dotfiles. Awesome
> config is added temporarly to top folder of these dotfiles:
> https://github.com/wdanilo/dotfiles

I have just tried your configuration and I don't get the error you
get. However, I have noticed that it does not work correctly with
xterm. I have pushed a fix for this:

You may want to specify your terminal:

quakeconsole[s] = quake({ terminal = terminal,
                          height = 0.3,
                          screen = s })

I have bound the console by adding the following keybinding:

awful.key({ modkey }, "q", function () quakeconsole[mouse.screen]:toggle() end),
Make sure every module hides something.
            - The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plauger)

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