Ok, just dropping in on this.
The power management if i get it right is not an option(And not the job of awesome), however, as per the title of this conversation, the default config sucks. It's not bad for what it is, it shows a lot of the available functionality, but i found it extremely inconvenient to use, and i get the impression that it's meant more for a demonstration than for a usage case.

It might not be a bad idea to include a couple more rcs in the package, maybe one with some sort of dynamic tagging, and one with plenty of widgets, and one with a lot of behaviour settings for different apps, run-or-raise, sizing of program windows which make sense, vi like input etc.

I guess those should be simple and self contained in the rc, you probably don't want to include loads of user modules which will clutter everything, just a few different rcs to work from.

more or less everything else about awesome is great!

On 08/10/12 15:22, Daniel Silverstone wrote:
On Mon, Oct 08, 2012 at 03:50:31PM +0200, Uli Schlachter wrote:
I bet that gnome/kde don't offer a shutdown button when they are run through
startx instead of a login manager.

Certainly gnome doesn't do well if the login manager isn't gdm or lightdm.

P.S.: No, I will not write a login manager.

Good plan.


For those that care, I use gdm and a .xsession which runs gnome-session with a
customised gnome session which forgoes nautilus and the shell etc, in favour of
AwesomeWM.  The result is something with network manager, gnome's GTK+
configuration, etc., but an window manager which doesn't make me want to bite
the heads off babies.

I blogged about it here:  http://blog.digital-scurf.org/tech/awesome-gnome

You may (or may not) like the approach :-)


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