So this is an input problem. Here is my experience:
- If I switch to a keybord mapping with accented character (for example
setxkbmap fr), no problem to enter accented character by directly
pressing to corresponding key
- I use some IM system (I am using ibus), but it cannot be used from lua
prompts (applications must be "IM-aware", if I understand correctly)
- If I use the Multikey method, it doesn't work either: the combination
Multi-e-' should give [é], it gives [ e'], that is the multikey is not
recognized as such and translated as a space.

So this is an XCB problem at least for the multi-key problem, right? Is
it also a problem for ibus inputs, or is it possible to make awesome
ibus-aware? The point is that when using an US keyboard (for example),
Multikey or Ibus are the only reliable solutions to type accented
characters (switching the keyboard mapping being a not so good solution,
that implies to enter blindly the characters...).


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