On Sun, 11 Nov 2012, Manuel Kasser wrote:

> This one: http://git.sysphere.org/vicious/tree/README

That's the one :)

> but nothing about having the first one nil and the second one the 
> control's name).

Arguments are explained first, then each type is described including 
which widget argument (warg) type accepts, if any. 
The detailed explanation of the register function at the begining also 
puts things in context.

>> Widget types
>> ------------
>> Widget types consist of worker functions that take the "format" 
>> argument given to vicious.register as the first argument, "warg" as 
>> the second, and return a table of values to insert in the format 
>> string.

The nil in my example was simply a way of saying 'I don't care about the 
format now'.

Adrian C. (anrxc) | anrxc..sysphere.org | PGP ID: D20A0618
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