On 2012–11–29 Marco wrote:

> I filed a bug report¹ against gtk+. Feel free to add more
> information or a better description of the behaviour.
> [1] https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=689030

Geoff has written a patch to address this issue. I didn't try it
yet, but he mentions that it's not only a bug in gtk+, but also in

On 2013-01-09 Geoff Reedy wrote:

> The amount of data in the _NET_WORKAREA property was not being checked
> and some window managers (at least xmonad, i3, and awesome) are only
> including 4 values even if they report a number of desktops greater than
> 1. While we're at it also check that the type is CARDINAL and the format
> is 32.
> After being annoyed by this bug for months (I use xmonad) I've finally tracked
> it down. The patch applies onto master, gtk-3-4, and gtk-3-6 cleanly right 
> now.
> This is actually a bug both in gtk and in the window managers. The window
> managers should be setting enough values in the _NET_WORKAREA property and gtk
> should not be trying to get non-existent values from the property.

Maybe someone could have a look into that.


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