
On 25.07.2013 11:12, Marshall Mason wrote:
> I'm a heavy user of dmenu and dzen2. I'm trying to figure out how to
> configure Awesome so the clients move down and back up in the brief moments
> that dmenu and dzen2 show up rather than just covering them over.
> However, this is very kludgy, and I'd like to find a more elegant solution.
> Is there a way to force non-floating modes to accept new geometries? Or
> else is there some way to mimic the behavior of the wibox when toggling
> visibility, i.e. telling all the clients to shrink?

The size of your monitor is called the screen's geometry in awesome. The tiling
algorithm place clients inside the workarea. The workarea is the screen geometry
minus area reserved for struts. And finally: Struts are a way to reserve space
at the edge of the screen.

So let's do some magic to mess with struts. I will assume that you have an
awful.rules-rule that matches dmenu and/or dzen2. This rule gets this function
as a callback:

 function(c)  c:struts({ top = c.geometry().height })  end

However, I just noticed that this won't work. Awesome does not see dmenu
appearing because it creates an override-redirect window ("a window which the WM
is not informed about and which it will not manage").

So that makes me wonder how your solution for the floating case works?

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