On Tue, 20 Aug 2013, Dean Thomson wrote:

> But as you can see coretemp.0 is for Intel chips and not for AMD.

The default is checking /sys/class/thermal/ where any thermal device 
regardless of maker should show up as a link...

When it doesn't, like sometimes for coretempt and k10 devices  
then we look at /sys/devices/platform/ for example:  

  { "coretemp.0", "core" } -- intel
  { "w83627ehf.656", "core" } -- amd

Check 'sensors' for the device/driver your AMD uses if not w83627ehf.

Adrian C. (anrxc) | anrxc..sysphere.org | PGP ID: D20A0618
PGP FP: 02A5 628A D8EE 2A93 996E  929F D5CB 31B7 D20A 0618

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