I have a laptop with a 1366x768 display, (LVDS1) and an external monitor that
I can hook up via HDMI or VGA with a 1080p resolution. (HDMI1 or VGA1,
respectively)  I'm using Ubuntu 13.04, from the minimal ISO, with Awesome
3.5.1 built from source.

Because of some of the programs I use, (kdenlive, for example), it is easier
to work with these programs in the larger resolution of 1080p, (due to the
size of some elements of the programs) so I've taken to using the following
scale cheat in xrandr:

xrandr --output LVDS1 --mode 1366x768 --panning 1920x1080 --scale 

When I operate in any 1080p mode, whether the internal display is scaled, or
as before I knew this trick, I was simply letting the display show the
1366x768 portion of the 1080p buffer, the "taskbar" in Awesome doesn't update
with tag switching until I switch clients, either by clicking blindly, or
Mod4+Tab.  But it only does this on LVDS1, and not on either HDMI1 or VGA1.  I
also can't take a screenshot because the screenshot shows the correct tag,
just like the external screen.  But I did upload a video to YouTube taken with
a digital camcorder: http://youtu.be/Jra7OsuJ-uc

Switching back to 1366x768 on LVDS1 and switching off (or forcing 1366x768 on)
HDMI1 or VGA1 causes the issue to go away.

Even setting the above xrandr command in ~/.xinitrc prior to starting Awesome
does not have any effect.

Ranko Kohime

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