On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 12:14 PM, Rena <hyperhac...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Since a GPU upgrade, I have 3 screens, and xrandr sees them
> individually, but awesome only sees a single large screen. Can I
> configure awesome to divide this area up into three parts, so that
> each screen has its own tags, layout, wiboxes, etc, like it was before
> the upgrade when it actually saw them as three separate screens?

I solve a similar problem with a hacky patch that adds a rc.lua option
to disregard xrandr-provided screen info and use provided data
instead.  Apps like YouTube that want to go full screen don't work
right, although things that stay windowed work fine with mod+F
(awesome just resizes the window to cover the whole screen).  I've
attached it in case you find its usefulness outweighs its hackiness
(GMail will mangle it if I paste it inline ಠ_ಠ).  Sorry if it doesn't
apply cleanly against head; I'm a bit behind.

My config block for four vertical 24" monitors:
screen.override({{0,    0, 1200, 1920, {{"far left", 352, 546}}},
                 {1200, 0, 1200, 1920, {{"mid left", 352, 546}}},
                 {2400, 0, 1200, 1920, {{"mid right", 352, 546}}},
                 {3600, 0, 1200, 1920, {{"far right", 324, 519}}}})
-- {x offset px, y offset px, x size px, y size px, {{name, x size mm,
y size mm}}}

Attachment: awesome-screen-override.patch
Description: Binary data

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