Hi Enric,

On Tue 29.10.2013 19:03:03, Enric Morales wrote:
> On 29 Oct 2013 16:36, Andre Klärner wrote:
> > Has anyone of you to deal with something alike and found a solution, how to
> > at least get something awesome-like as a window manager? If there anything
> > that can lessen the pain? ;)
> You don't state the windows version you are using but, in windows 7,
> when you drag and drop windows to the edges of the screen they can split
> the space effectively like the tiling feature in awesome, although the
> OS won't do it for you, which sucks, but at least you don't have a
> floating windows mess.

Yeah, you guessed right. I think with XP I'd already given up..
> If you drag the window to the top it maximises, and in the side edges
> they take half of the screen.

I know about the AeroSnap features, while I mostly use the
Win-Left/Right/Up combinations. But the annoying thing is that the Alt-Tab
sequence is totally unpredictable. When I minimize a window it goes to the
last spot, except there are other minimized windows, than it gets
(seemingly) prepended to the other minimized, but after all visible
windows. And than are there windows like google hangouts chrome extension
that stay no matter what always in the front of all other windows in the
list. This is simply annoying as hell.

So what I am missing is the kind of tagging feature wich works on curating
windows to tags using rules like awesome can.

> I am also stuck at windows, but I try to do as much as I can via a tmux
> session over SSH, and the rest I have to manage with this
> drag-to-the-edges-of-the-screen crap.

Well, I am lucky enough to have mobaxterm as an at least acceptable
unix-like terminal, while urxvt with screen in comparison simply kicks ass.
But most of my job takes place in outlook and browser-based
ticketing/alerting/cmdb windows which is window-wise just a PITA.

Thanks and regards,

Andre Klärner

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