Uli Schlachter <psychon <at> znc.in> writes:

> Hi,
> On 04.09.2013 17:30, Csaba Dunai wrote:
> [...]
> > a = wibox({})
> > a.screen = 1
> > a.visible = true
> > a.ontop = true
> > a.x = 10
> > a.y = 10
> > a.width = 100
> > a.height = 100
> > a:set_bg("#ffa500")
> > a.screen = nil
> > a = nil
> Wiboxes no longer have a .screen property, because there is just a single,
> screen. So now you get rid of wiboxes via a.visible = false.
> > --end example--
> > 
> > However the wibox remains where it is. What am I doing wrong? Has the way
> > of deleting wiboxes changed in the meanwhile?
> > 
> > My awesome version is:
> > 
> > awesome v3.5.1 (Ruby Tuesday)
> >  • Build: Apr  1 2013 19:51:47 for x86_64 by gcc version 4.7.2 (nobody
<at> copy)
> >  • Compiled against Lua 5.2.1 (running with Lua 5.2)
> >  • D-Bus support: ✔
> > 
> > Kind regards
> Cheers,

Hi Uli

Thanks for the quick reply. Unfortunately my problem is still not solved. My
point is not only to make the wibox disappear but also to free up the memory
it occupies.

I have run the following test:

1) run awesome as is: used ~1% of my RAM

2) run awesome and make 10000 wiboxes: used ~8% of my ram


listOfWiboxes = {}
for i = 1,10000 do
  listOfWiboxboxes[i] = wibox({})


3) run awesome, make 10000 wiboxes and then remove them: used ~8% of my ram.


listOfWiboxes = {}
for i = 1,10000 do
  listOfWiboxes[i] = wibox({})

  listOfWiboxes[i].visible = false
  listOfWiboxes[i] = nil  -- (I've also tried by leaving this line away)


As you can see setting the visible field to false isn't enough to free the
memory. Is there a way to solve this issue?

Thanks again for your effort.

Best Regards

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