After some searching, I was able to find an existing solution that already
does this:

On Sat, Jan 4, 2014 at 6:46 PM, Alexander Tsepkov <>wrote:

> I'm a big fan of awesome's tiling layout for programming (it's very easy
> to pull up a browser or a shell in a new terminal to test certain
> functionality). However, when awesome spawns a new window, it doesn't care
> about the current window position, only the layout being used.
> How hard would it be to create a new layout that works more similar to
> tmux, with horizontal and vertical splits? For example, if I spawn a new
> application in a clean workspace, it will open in full screen, if I tell
> awesome to split it vertically (via mod4+|), it will open a copy of the
> same application on the right and change focus to it (resizing both to take
> half of the space taken up by the original). Likewise, I could then tile
> the window as needed in similar fashion. Most of the time, I only need this
> to open more terminals, so I'm fine with awesome assuming the new window
> needs to be a terminal, if it would be hard to figure out currently-focused
> application.

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