
A scenario where I remember it happens is when I type to my emacs window,
and then emacs makes some backup files automatically and then the krusader
window opened to the current folder (where the backup files are created)
becomes visible over my emacs window...but not even all of it, part of it.
So I normally have the emacs window, on the whole screen. Then the current
folder contents changes in krusader and that part of krusader overlaps my
emacs window...but still my emacs has the focus.
A similar thing happens with VirtualBox. There, I have two windows, the
base window, with the VirtualBox manager, where I can select/start virtual
machines, and I see a small representation of the current machine
running...and another window with the actual machine running. So sometimes,
the little part from the VirtualBox manager that is changing (the small
representation of the current machine running) overlaps the big window
where the actual alternative OS is running.
I hope that makes some sense.

Thank you,

On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 7:18 AM, Khumba <b...@khumba.net> wrote:

> On Tue, 14 Jan 2014 19:17:07 +0100
> Stefan Horomnea <stefan.horom...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm using 3.5.2 The Fox, on FreeBSD (actually PC-BSD). Sometimes awesome
> is
> > switching by itself to a different client (but in the same tag). I'm not
> > sure when/why this happens.
> > Does anyone have a clue ?
> >
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Stefan
> Does it happen when sitting idle, with no input?  When you're typing
> or moving the mouse?
> It could be that windows are giving themselves focus; Firefox I find
> likes to do this a couple times when first opening.
> - Khumba
> --
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