
don't you forget to escape the double quote in your command line ?
Try this one instead :

echo "local awful = require(\"awful\") ; return awful.tag.viewnext()" | awesome-client

I'm using " viewnext " instead of " viewonly " as it is willing to work independently of your tag configuration.


Le 22/01/2014 16:41, debecio a écrit :
Hello, I want to control awesome by remote, now I tried to change tag with:

   echo 'awful.tag.viewnext' | awesome-client

and I got:

   string "[string "awful.tag.viewnext"]:1: '=' expected near '<eof>'"

By internet I found (not useful for me but useful for learn how awesome work):

   echo 'local awful = require("awful") ; return 
awful.tag.viewonly(tags[2][1])' | awesome-client

and I got:

   attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)

others test:
   echo 'return awful.tag.viewonly(tags[2][1])' | awesome-client
   attempt to index global 'awful' (a nil value)

   echo 'awful.tag.viewonly(tags[2][1])' | awesome-client
   attempt to index global 'awful' (a nil value)

I have this:
awesome v3.5.1 (Ruby Tuesday)
  • Build: Jun  6 2013 04:48:39 for i686 by gcc version 4.7.3 (buildd@biber)
  • Compiled against Lua 5.1.5 (running with Lua 5.1)
  • D-Bus support: ✔

on debian wheezy


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