Hi there,

Is it possible to force windows spawned by
programs/processes/scripts, to stick to its parents workspace/tag?

I have some programs/scripts, which run for a while and at some point
spawn (and sometimes keep spawning)  windows..., e.g.
plotting/rendering stuff that just takes time.

Normally, these new windows just appear on the tag I currently work on,
which is really annoying...

As far as I have experienced, the download dialogs of the chromium
browser already do what I want: automatically stick to the tag, where
chromium is running, regardless of where my focus currently resides.

Is there some way to configure awesome to do this for every new window?

And no, I don't want to force all windows of one particular program to
one predetermined tag.

Thank you all and Best regards from Bonn,

No more blah, blah, blah!
                -- Kirk, "Miri", stardate 2713.6

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