Hi Uli,

Am 19.02.2014 22:00, schrieb Uli Schlachter:
> Looks similar enough to me.
Indeed, thanks for the fast and especially detailed response.

> So if you want to confuse people, append
> "awesome.quit()" to the end of your rc.lua...)

I might indeed consider that one when I'm showing someone my rc.lua.^^

> Uhm, ok... Why are you SIGTERM'ing your session anyway?

Because if every application is behaving correctly, why closing
everything by hand when the system is emitting SIGTERMs anyway?
Minimizing work and so on. ;)

Firefox itself is assuming a crash if it gets a SIGTERM anytime, not
just on shutdown. Just "killall firefox" makes you end up in a crash
report with an attempt to restore the session upon next startup. So
there might be the problem you mentioned about X, however, there is
incorrect behavior anyways, so I never came to deal with that particular

I haven't thought about the point you made with sigterming X, however.
Luckily, the setup I use at the moment for shutting down (in the attempt
to solve the firefox issue) solves that anyways by using EWMH.

And if X dies ealier: if that means all graphical processes get
SIGTERMed, it shouldn't be a problem anyways, even if they didn't
receive the SIGTERM originally intended for them by the shutdown
procedure but another one, should it?

This means: race or not, doesn't matter, does it?


PS: And thanks for all the good work on awesome, your efforts make it a
piece of software worth its name! I really appreciate that!

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