I also had DPI issues with my setup although probably not to your extreme. My finding was that DPI settings under Linux can be a nightmare since there are many overriding defaults and multiple configuration spots for the different gui API's which -sometimes- override each other as well. I don't believe awesome obey's any of them though so my approach was just to modify my theme to change menu height and fonts. Unfortunately this means that when switching to an external monitor with more "normal" dpi your awesome elements may be abnormally large. I suspect some theme scripting would allow the elements to scale automatically with DPI.

Interested to hear how all this works out for you. I was considering getting a QHD+ laptop but was concerned with the types of issues you are experiencing. I previously inquired on this list about experiences with high-dpi screens but got radio silence.


On 03/22/2014 06:30 AM, Dan Milon wrote:
I installed archlinux & awesome on a macbook pro with a retina
display. As you can imagine everything was super tiny. I added "Xft.dpi
= 196" to xrdb and now gtk, qt etc apps display normally, but the awesome
status bar still shows tiny.

It seems that awesome itself is unaffected by "Xft.dpi".
Do you have any idea what I could do to fix this?

Thank you.

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