
On 31.03.2014 04:06, Harvey wrote:
> I'm still a little confused as to why the move to lgi was considered to
> be necessary at all.

I never liked some of the hacks that the widget layout code needed to do. It got
some nested tables containing widgets as arguments and had to return a flat
table whose indices was matched with the widgets via a depth first search
through the widgets table.

Do you remember having to use ".widget" to make progressbars and graphs (and
other things?) behave? Without that, they would ignore the layout and always be
put at the left side of the wibox.

I think originally the move to some lua-cairo-bindings started with "Make or
image API more powerful by using cairo bindings":


(Oh and of course the new widget system existed and is in git since 2010, but no
one ever complained until v3.5 aka december 2012 aka two years later :-/ )

> I presume all of these X11 round trip calls and blocking issues existed
> in 3.4 branch for some time, but what does 3.4 do / utilize that is so
> much more efficient that lgi does not? Is it truely impossible to retain
> the new layout functionality and revive, if not in part some older 3.4
> components?

In 3.4, the C API implemented three widgets. There were textboxes, imageboxes
and the systray. Nothing else. Some lua code was called when necessary with the
widgets table and the available size as arguments and it calculated the position
and size of each widget.

There was the image API. This allowed to create images, draw (axis-aligned?)
lines and fill rectangles. Really powerful stuff... Not.

The C code then used all this information to do the actual drawing with cairo
and pango from C. So there was a really low overhead per call for the actual

With 3.5, the C code just exposes a cairo surface to lua and all the drawing is
done in lua. Everything else is done in lua. So, for example, the progressbar
and graph widgets are now less of a hack.

AFAIK the higher cpu usage comes from a much higher per-call overhead for each
cairo and pango function that is called. But there are likely also some things
were we do more work than strictly necessary.


P.S.: During a blocking round trip (or sleeping for other reasons), a process
doesn't use the CPU. So this doesn't contribute to any CPU usage.

P.P.S.: I wonder how oocairo compares to lgi, performance-wise...
"In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of
 people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move."

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