On 04/10/2014 02:30 AM, Elv1313 . wrote:
> Gio has something built in for icon lookup, I am not sure if it is for
> .desktop only or it also work with such requests. I am not sure if we
> could use it instead of this. Maybe crafting a fake .desktop?
That would be great. Anything that reads index.theme files properly
would be better than this I think, Not a fan of nested for loops

I found the following , maybe one will help us?


    GIcon — Interface for icons
    GFileIcon — Icons pointing to an image file
    GBytesIcon — An icon stored in memory as a GBytes
    GLoadableIcon — Loadable Icons
    GThemedIcon — Icon theming support
    GEmblemedIcon — Icon with emblems
    GEmblem — An object for emblems

I'll look into it more

> On 9 April 2014 23:54, Harvey <teknocratdefu...@riseup.net
> <mailto:teknocratdefu...@riseup.net>> wrote:
>     Hey this works for me, can someone please test/merge?
>     I also think something like the string below is needed, not sure where
>     though.. this way whatever icon theme you specify in beautiful would be
>     used..
>     naughty.config.icon_dirs = { "~/.icons/" , "/usr/share/icons/hicolor/",
>     "/usr/share/pixmaps/", "/usr/share/icons/" .. beautiful.icon_theme
>      .."/"}
>     Let me know
>     I can also do a github merge request if thats easier...
>     Harvey

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