On Sep 15, 2014 5:02 PM, "Joren Heit" <jorenh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm so sorry, totally forgot to mention my version:
> awesome v3.5.5 (Kansas City Shuffle)
>  • Build: Jun 11 2014 02:21:37 for x86_64 by gcc version 4.9.0
>  • Compiled against Lua 5.1.5 (running with Lua 5.1)
>  • D-Bus support: ✔
> On Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 9:58 PM, Joren Heit <jorenh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> I wrote some simple routines to enable tiling in a floating environment.
It works fine with, for example, an iceweasel window but I get really weird
behavior with my terminal emulator: Terminator.
>> When I open a fresh window and try to tile it e.g. to the left, the
window starts resizing automagically. However, when I have dragged/resized
it prior to tiling, everything works as expected.
>> To illustrate this, I've uploaded a demo to youtube:
>> Does anyone have any idea what's going on? Here's the most important
piece of the lua code:
>> function tile(c, dir)
>>    if c == nil then return end
>>    if not floatTile[c] then
>>       resetFloatTile(c)
>>    end
>>    c.maximized = false
>>    c.minimized = false
>>    local s = mouse.screen
>>    local cg = c:geometry()
>>    local sg = screen[s].workarea
>>    local x, y, width, height
>>    if dir == "left" then
>>       x,y,width,height = tileLeft(c, cg, sg)
>>    elseif dir == "right" then
>>       x,y,width,height = tileRight(c, cg, sg)
>>    elseif dir == "up" then
>>       x,y,width,height = tileUp(c, cg, sg)
>>    elseif dir == "down" then
>>       x,y,width,height = tileDown(c, cg, sg)
>>    elseif dir == "full" then
>>       x,y,width,height = tileFull(c, sg)
>>    end
>>    c:geometry({x = x, y = y, width = width, height = height})
>> end
>> I think the only relevant piece of the code above is the change in
>> By the way, other windows sometimes don't get drawn properly after
tiling. I remember in 3.4 that we could force a redraw of a client, but I
couldn't find anything anymore in the docs.
>> Thanks,
>> Joren

Dunno if you've solved it, but unchecking "window geometry hints" on
terminator preferences solved its weird behaivor on my environment.

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