Hello Mohsen,

If you use Xephyr, then just open a separated terminal, launch awesome
from it and the print will be there.
launch Xephyr :1 -screen 1280x800

in another term:
DISPLAY=:1 awesome

and it will work.

Option 2 is to use ~/.xsession-error if you enabled it

Option 3 is to use naughty.notify{text="mytext"} or even replacing
print with it. That way the print will be in a popup on your screen.

Option 4 is to create a small console with a wibox+textbox and replace
the default print function with one that will append text to that

Most Awesome users use the Xephyr technique. It is easy to setup and
you don't have to restart your real Awesome all the time.

On 12 December 2014 at 22:59, Mohsen Pahlevanzadeh
<moh...@pahlevanzadeh.org> wrote:
> Dear all,
> Suppose you are develope with C++ or Python or bash :
> in c++ :
> you have cout << "blahblah" << endl;
> in python :
> print "blahblah"
> in bash:
> echo -e "blahblah\n"
> or printf  command
> in lua we have print command for printing.
> Suppose I'm develope a software with a language programming  such as python
> and i'm forced to debug and put debug section  into my program such as :
> ###DEBUG
> print myvar
> But i googled about rc.lua not awesome development, I found Xephyr  such as
> maemo on N900 cell phone.
> But i have a question:
> How can i print my variables or tables or etc in rc.lua?  Where? in pts? in
> tty? Please guide me....
> --Regards
> Mohsen
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