Hi all! New here, new to awesome.

I'm running awesome 3.5.2.

I'm looking for a way so awesome ignores an application in the taglist so that 
small square disappear for the tag where the app is in.

I have this in awful.rules for that application (Conky):

    { rule = { class = "Conky" },
      properties = { tag = tags[1][6],
                     floating = true,
                     ontop = false,
                     focusable = false,
                     skip_taskbar = true } },

It skip taskbar as expected, but the taglist indicator still appears. I want to 
get rid of it. How can I do that?

I carefully read awesome's wiki and luadocs, Arch's wiki for awesome and 
searched a lot about awesome configuration. I also read the source code for 
/usr/share/awesome/lib/awful/widget/taglist.lua and 
/usr/share/awesome/lib/awful/rules.lua to search for some hidden property, but 
no luck at it.
The closest I get for this was: 

Although the reply says it might be fixed, API documentation doesn't have an 
entry for that nor it explain how to do it.

Thank you very much in advance,

Deny Dias.

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