Well, you made my day. I'll also take a look at your createwidget function.
It looks like a nice way to handle your widgets

Thanks !


2015-02-17 17:21 GMT+01:00 Benoît Zugmeyer <ben...@zugmeyer.com>:

> Hi Mathias,
> I have the same usecase. I spawn the terminal with something like "-e
> ~/.config/awesome/bin/update" (see [0]). The script bin/update (see [1]):
> - launches the update (apt-get dist-upgrade in your case)
> - updates the awesome widget so it displays the right count (0 if
> everything goes right)
> - waits for an input from the user (so the terminal stays open)
> [0]
> https://github.com/BenoitZugmeyer/dotfiles/blob/290f33235d1ff7d0ebdb8e04aa3d505e6856ed2e/.config/awesome/rc.lua#L276
> [1]
> https://github.com/BenoitZugmeyer/dotfiles/blob/290f33235d1ff7d0ebdb8e04aa3d505e6856ed2e/.config/awesome/bin/update
> --
> Benoît Zugmeyer
> On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 5:09 PM, Mathias Brulatout <
> mathias.brulat...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I'm trying to change my awesome setup so that clicking on an icon will
>> spawn a terminal (terminator) with the command "apt-get dist-upgrade" . I
>> tried many things to get a nice widget tracking packages updates, but I'm
>> stuck here.
>> Basically, I have a textbox showing the amount of updates (and hovering
>> it displays packages to update) after parsing the output of
>> "apt-show-versions -u -b", so that's nice.
>> I also have an imagebox, which spawns a terminal when I click it. I'd
>> like to spawn a terminal and start the "apt-get dist-upgrade" command in
>> this spawned terminal foreground (I already made the right changes in
>> /etc/sudoers to use apt-get without sudo) so that I can watch the update
>> process. After the command has returned, the temrinal should still be
>> opened.
>> The "-e" option doesn't seem to be the answer.
>> Here is the imagebox snippet:
>>   apticon = wibox.widget.imagebox()
>>   apticon:set_image(beautiful.widget_apt)
>>   apticon:buttons(awful.util.table.join(
>>   awful.button({ }, 1, function () awful.util.spawn(terminal,false) end)))
>> where terminal, as you might have guessed, refers to my terminal name
>> (terminator) :)
>> Thanks in advance !

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