That worked fine.

Thanks mate.
Le 18/02/2015 07:45, Nikola Petrov a écrit :
There is a way if the mouse is actually a touchpad of some sort. I have
this in my xinitrc:

     #use syndaemon to disable touchpad while typing if it is installed!
     syndaemon=`which syndaemon`
     if [ ! -z "${syndaemon}" ];then
         $syndaemon -t -k -i 1 -d

On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 02:37:10PM +0000, Pierre-Alain wrote:
Hi everyone,

I'm looking for a solution to block the motion of the mouse while
i'm typing.

I would like to keep the mouse's pointer in the active window even
if i move it by accident.

Is there any way to do it in the awesome configuration file ?


SIMON Pierre-Alain

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