
I have question - I need custom signal in my rc and I used undocumented 
function client.add_signal("custom_signal") (like it was made in 
awesoem/lib/awful/client.lua) to do it before using 
client.emit_signal("custom_signal"), but this function is undocumented so I'm 
not so sure if my way doing it is correct...

copied example from rc.lua:

-- add signal for toggling wibox on top (needed for forcing maximized clients 
globalkeys = awful.util.table.join(
awful.key({ modkey,           }, "b",
        function ()
            mywibox[mouse.screen].visible = not mywibox[mouse.screen].visible
        end, "Toggle panel"),
-- Connect toggle wibox signal to a resize function
client.connect_signal("wibox_toggle", reload_maximized_windows)

I'm not sure if this function should be used from user side (but it doesn't 
work without it) and I think if it function can be used it should be written 
in documentation.

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