
I'm currently trying to use tyrannical to do some dynamic tagging but I have a 
couple of problems.

1) It seems to be ignoring the "screen" option. I've got a tag called "www" 
which begins on init and should just be on screen 1, but when firefox runs 
(which happens on startup) a second tag called "www" opens up on the other 

Second problem is Conky - I want it on all tags on screen 2. I've set it as 
intrusive but how do I specifically say it should go on all screens? I 
understand how to tell a screen only to accept a certain class of window, but 
not how to tell a program what tags it should display on - is this just a 
normal awful rule rather than something I have to do especially through 

Ideally I want mutt to run in one tag, and ncmpcpp in a different tag, but 
obviously the class for both of these is the terminal class. I'm trying to run 
with "urxvt -name" to specify the name of the window. Is there anything I can 
do in tyrannical to use this name rather than the class or should I just use 
normal awesome rules?

Can awesome create tags on the fly (and if so how?) - as I'm beginning to think 
tyrannical is more advanced than I really need.



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