Does it work when you switch/set the layout using just the plain `setxkbmap
us ...` or `setxkbmap us -variant dvorak ...`, instead of its builtin
toggling? I have those commands linked to hotkeys in awesome, and never had
this problem.

*Samuel Walladge.*

On 18 November 2015 at 02:02, Riccardo Sven Risuleo <>

> Thanks for your reply, sadly that did not solve the problem: the command
> bindings in awesome do not follow the keyboard layout when I use groups.
> On Tue, Nov 17, 2015 at 4:10 PM <>
> wrote:
>> Вторник, 17 ноября 2015, 9:25 UTC от Riccardo Sven Risuleo <
>> Hi all,
>> I have a problem that has been bugging me for a while,  and I hope
>> somebody knows how to solve it...
>> I have a keyboard layout switch, set with
>> setxkbmap -layout us,us -variant dvorak, -option
>> caps:escape,grp:toggle,grp:alts_toggle,grp_led:caps
>> This will allow me to toggle my layout from us to dvorak by pressing both
>> the alts keys.
>> This works perfectly, and the keymap switches fine, however all the
>> bindings for awesome do not change. For instance if I move between the
>> clients with 'hjkl' in dvorak mapping, I will move with 'jcvp' in the us
>> mapping. It is like the command is linked to the physical key on the
>> keyboard and not to the character sent...
>> Does anyone know a solution to this? I have been able to replicate this
>> behaviour on two computers.
>> Thanks in advance for any comments or suggestions,
>> Have a splendid day
>> Rsrsl
>> I found this blog
>> And this
>> You can try switch between variants by this command :
>> setxkbmap -layout 'us(dvorak-intl),us(alt-intl)', -option
>> caps:escape,grp:toggle,grp:alts_toggle,grp_led:caps
>> Warning I didn't check this!
>> ---

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