Really, all you need is zenity. If you look into the docs I imagine it
should be easy to hook up a confirmation box to a shutdown command with
some &&s
On Feb 21, 2016 8:53 PM, "Daniel Sont" <> wrote:

> I just ran into this:
> On Feb 21, 2016 8:48 PM, "A M" <> wrote:
>> Hello
>> Is possible to create key bindings for shutting down or rebooting the
>> computer?
>> As a next step, it might be good to have some form of secondary
>> confirmation that the user really wants to do this action (in case the key
>> binding was entered accidentally). I guess maybe some simple popup
>> window/dialog might be an easy solution? "Reboot computer? Yes/No"
>> Best Regards
>> Alex
>> --
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