Hi David,

Thanks for your feedback.

You changed from Lock to ReentrantLock so that you could use
> isHeldByCurrentThread(), but that locks in (pardon the pun) the kind of Lock
> that AppContext must use.
> You should add a comment explaining why the check for isHeldByCurrentThread
> is needed - and that if things are done right at a higher-level we should
> never need the stop() to break out of await().

I will add a comment about that, I also took the lock-in to ReentrantLock as
a trade-of as I couldn't think of another lock-implementation that would be
more suitable for the job of the pushpopLock.
I think things are done the right-way at a higher level (as with the "full"
patch, the code should *never* catch ThreadDeath execpt some user-code in an
InvocationEvent does strange things - which we can't control).
Also the "normal" way of termination doesn't depend on catching ThreadDeath
or InterruptedException, as shutdown is set synchronously to true by the
Thread calling AppContext.dispose().

What bothers me is that code known to be good style and is recommended
everywhere, simply hides an InterruptedException and causes an
IllegalMontorState-Exception to be thrown - actually the
isHeldByCurrentThread is just there to avoid ugly IllegalMonitorException
Stack-Traces printed out - as its done when using ThreadPools with Applets.
Java's monitor design took care of that. As far as I can see, a tryUnlock()
method would solve those problems.

> Overall I'm still concerned that there is an issue in the overall design
> that permits events to be queued even after a "shutdown" has been logically
> initiated. With this patch those events won't get processed and not knowing
> what they are I can't say whether this will be a problem or not. It is a
> concern that the current code in detachDispatchThread says:
> as it seems to indicate that the exact conditions for detachment are
> unclear. Based on reading 4648733 I'm assuming that we have to keep the
> event queue receiving events so that the  shutdown event can be posted (as
> part of AWT auto-shutdown), and that then allows other events in. The
> question remains as to whether those events should be processed even when
> shutdown has been initiated.

I am no AWT expert, but from how I interpret the old code, as soon as
interrupt() has been called, it was not intended to dispatch further events
(I don't think the isInterrupted() call was really ment that way).
However, I wonder why AppContext.stopEventDispatchThreads() is never used in
AppContext.dispose(), as it seems to provide a cleaner way for shutdown?

Thanks, Clemens

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