On 09/11/2011 12:28, Chris Hegarty wrote:

CR 7110002 proposes to rename the unix version of the awt toolkit libraries to allow them reside in the same directory as libawt.
  xawt/libmawt.so     -> libawt_xawt.so
  headless/libmawt.so -> libawt_headless.so

The proposed new library names are prefixed with 'libawt' since they are subcomponents of libawt and this will make them more easily recognizably as such. But this is not necessarily a requirement, just that they are unique and can be colocated with libawt.

This CR is part of the modularity effort. A future requirement of the jigsaw prototype is to treat native JDK implementation libraries as it would any user module installed in a module library. That is, native libraries should reside within the lib directory of the installed module. In the module library then AWT's libraries might be located in somewhere like modules/sun.desktop/8.0/lib.

See discussion on the awt-dev mailing list for further context:

Thanks for taking this one, the changes look good to me.


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