Minor typo in the gmk file

 32 # These are the once used.

once -> ones


On 19/01/2013 12:05 AM, Erik Joelsson wrote:
Here is a new webrev with my sorts incorporated. This has been baking
for quite a while in build-infra now and seems to be working.



On 2012-12-07 11:05, Erik Joelsson wrote:
(resending to full recepients list)

I just hit another issue. I tried using a jdk8 boot-jdk and the order
of the output was different in the generated sizes file compared to
the one in the repo. Sorting both resulted in a clean diff.


On 2012-12-05 14:20, Fredrik Öhrström wrote:
2012-11-29 15:54, Fredrik Öhrström skrev:
2012-11-29 15:36, Erik Joelsson skrev:
I just submitted a patch to build-infra for the dual generation on
all platforms since it breaks comparisons between old and new
build. In general, we can't change behavior in new build without
also changing the old before the old is removed.

Removing sizes.64-solaris-i386 breaks the old build on solaris-x86,
so I have readded it to build-infra.

Thanks Erik! The new and updated webrev is here:


Ok, new webrev incorporating a few more Erik changes. Any comments
from the AWT experts?


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