On 01/04/2013 23:16, Dan Xu wrote:
Hi All,

In this fix, I have updated files in JDK libraries to use @Native annotation instead of @GenerateNativeHeader to mark classes that contain no native methods but constants used by native codes.

@GenerateNativeHeader was added earlier in the development for JDK8."This has proved problematic for some core classes with respect to Jigsaw, since the use of such an annotation creates a compile-time dependency from the base module to the module containing javax.tools, and the base module should not have any dependencies." After switching to @Native annotation, the dependency problem will be solved as java.lang.annotation.Native is in the proposed base module. In addition, the annotation has been refined not to be on the class level but on the constants themselves, which also makes the generated header files much cleaner.

This effort is part of JDK-8000404. After jdk libraries uptaking the annotation changes, @GenerateNativeHeader annotation will be removed completely.

CCC: http://ccc.us.oracle.com/8000404
webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dxu/8000406/webrev/

Thanks for your feedback!

This is great work - thank you for doing this.

As the majority of the changed code is in the 2d/awt/client area then I hope that you will get timely reviews from those areas. The main thing with a change like this is that the changes build on all platforms and I've know you've verified that.

I skimmed through the webrev and don't see anything obviously wrong. I focused mostly on the non-client code and they all look right. It's interesting that @GenerateNativeHeader was added to several classes with native methods, I don't know why that was the case. I was also unaware that we had Haskell code in the build.

So thumbs up from me. I assume you or Jon will remove GenerateNativeHeader from the langtools repository once your changes are pushed.


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