On 1/31/2014 2:05 AM, Alan Bateman wrote:
On 31/01/2014 09:08, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:
On 26.01.2014 13:30, Alan Bateman wrote:
As a side point, client changes have been going into jdk9/client rather than jdk9/dev so I just wonder if there might be changes backed up in jdk9/client that might cause issues when merged.
It will be really good to push all fixes related to client to the jdk9/client. The first merge between dev and client already broke the build:
I've changed the subject line as I think this topic deserves its own discussion.

On this specific merge issue then I guess part of the issue is that jdk9/client had not been sync'ed up in a long time. The changes to SecurityManager (which involved changes to both core and client libraries) were pushed to jdk9/dev on December 18. Also if the build breakage (due to the merge issue) wasn't detected until it was pushed to jdk9/client then something else is wrong. When doing a huge sync up (and it looks like 300+ changes were being pulled from jdk9/dev in this case) then I would think that the merge should involve doing at least sanity builds on all platforms before pushing to jdk9/client.

In any case, I think the discussion item here is where should changes to client libraries be pushed. The discussion on jdk9-dev about this issue wasn't very clear, I think it came down to whether any manual testing would be required before integrating into master. At least for jdk9/dev then my understanding is that there is a desire to integrate into master every week, maybe more often and eventually (longer term) continuously. I'm sure Joe will have suggestions on this issue.

Discussions are on going as to which forest client libraries fixes should go into, the client forest (where closed-source deployment changes happen to be going) or to the dev forest where all the other libraries work is going; FWIW, I favor the latter.

In any case, for all the forests which will be integrating into dev, including the client and hotspot forests, the maintainers of those forests are responsible for regularly pulling down changes from dev and merging them in. In my estimation, unless there is a reason for temporary isolation, the frequency of syncing with dev should be closer to daily than weekly or monthly. The dev forest was open for business on Dec. 13, 2013, and fixes started going into it that day. From my reading of the JDK 9 master (http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk9/jdk9/jdk/), the tag for jdk9-b01 was added about three weeks ago. So if the first sync from dev into client has only done in the last day or two, that would seem to be tardy to me.

The goal for dev is to have integrations into master no less than weekly, but I'd like us to transition to having smaller and more frequent integrations. We are laying the foundational work, cleaning up intermittent test failures, etc. to allow that to happen.



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