On 5/12/2014 3:53 PM, Anthony Petrov wrote:
Hi David,

The fix looks good to me. To answer your questions:

1. Using the XAWT macro is correct. It is only defined if we're building
the XToolkit, which we don't on the Mac. However, everywhere else we
actually check

XAWT is a legacy macro, which was introduced to share code between XToolkit and MToolkit on Linux/Solaris. At the moment, XAWT is always defined on Linux/Solaris and never defined on Mac OS X, so checks against XAWT and MACOSX are interchangeable. In the future, if we support anything besides X11 on Linux/Solaris, XAWT may be of some use again, but MACOSX meaning is unlikely to change. So my preference would be to use MACOSX rather than !XAWT.



#ifdef MACOSX
// ... do Mac stuff
// ... do X11/Linux/Solaris/etc. stuff

We're unlikely to start supporting XToolkit/XAWT on Mac in the future,
so is there a reason not to use the MACOSX macro instead for consistency
with the rest of the code?

2. Regarding factoring out the X11 code: firstly we need to rename
src/solaris/ to src/_nix/ (where _nix could stand for UNIX and whatnot).
In that case, moving X11-specific code and OSX-specific code into their
corresponding directories would make sense. Obviously, this is a huge
project and I don't see this happening any time soon.

best regards,

On 5/9/2014 7:36 AM, David DeHaven wrote:

JBS issue:

The X11 toolkit was disabled on the Mac but the dependency was not
completely removed for the release of 8.

This ended up being a lot simpler than I'd anticipated, but I have a
couple questions:
1> I've surrounded X dependent code with #ifdef XAWT blocks, I'm not
entirely sure if this is proper (it appears to be...)
2> I have thoughts that maybe the X11 dependent code should be
factored out into a X specific location rather than just disabled or
worked around in the code. The code seems pretty well ingrained, so
this may be a larger task than necessary.

To validate the removal of the X11 dependency, I did the following:

- Copied /opt/X11 (installed by XQuartz) to somewhere I could readily
modify, let's call it ~/java/X11-good
- Made a second copy to ~/java/X11-bad
- Modified the header files in ~/java/X11-bad, adding #error
statements to cause compilation to abort if any are included
- Created a symlink to ~/java/X11-good at ~/java/X11
- Removed /opt/X11 and the /usr/X11 symlink, the latter is important
as that's one of the locations that configure searches

To validate building with no X11 headers or libs:
- Ran configure with no special arguments, it was not able to find X
- Ran "make jdk", ran SwingSet2.jar, everything was happy

To validate building *with* X11 headers and libs, but XAWT disabled
(as it should be on Mac):
- Ran "configure --x-includes=~/java/X11/include
--x-libraries=~/java/X11/lib", configure found X headers
- Ran "make clean-jdk jdk", ran SwingSet2.jar, everything was happy

To validate the above configuration does not actually USE X11:
- Changed the ~/java/X11 symlink to point to ~/java/X11-bad
- Ran "make clean-jdk jdk", ran SwingSet2.jar, everything was still happy


I submitted a JPRT run with this and the patch for 8042440 applied and
there were three failures, two in crypto tests (solaris/sparc9) and
one on windows due to a network issue (transient issue?). None of the
failures were relevant to AWT or Java2D or X11 in general. There were
no build failures.


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