Hello Petr,

Thank you for review. Please find my answer below.

On 23/07/2014 11:58, Petr Pchelko wrote:
Hello, Dmitry.

  What happens if the focused applet is closed? Does the pluginFocusedWindow  
correctly updated in this case?
  Does the closed applet receives handleFocusEvent(false) event?
The closing of an applet means that we closed the browser's window contained 
the applet or moved to another web-page. In this case we are not interesting in 
pluginFocusedWindow or focus events anymore, since all applets in the window 
are destroyed. If we go back to the applet's page, all applets will be started 
from scratch.
And what would happen if we press "refresh". The VM is not restarted in this 
case, so couldn't we have a pluginFocusedWindow in an incorrect state after that?
If the page is refreshed, all applets will be restarted by Java Plugin and the focus will be set to the firs applet on the page. We do not care about pluginFocusedWindow in this case.

Also, I'm not sure about the naming. pluginFocusedWindow seems not quite self-explanatory to me. In 
reality it's "browserWindowFocusedApplet" isn't it? Why did you call it 
You are right. I updated the field's name. Please find new version here: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dmarkov/8044614/jdk9/webrev.03/

With best regards. Petr.

On 23 июля 2014 г., at 11:29, dmitry markov <dmitry.mar...@oracle.com> wrote:


Could anyone else review the fix, please?


Thanks in advance,

On 18/07/2014 15:57, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:
  The fix looks good to me.


On 7/18/2014 3:52 PM, dmitry markov wrote:
Hi Alexandr,

Please find answer below.

On 17/07/2014 14:18, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:
  The pluginFocusedWindow is only updated after switching from one browser to 
another (after WindowFocusEvent event).
  Should it also be updated after switching from one applet to another in the 
same browser (after FocusEvent)?
It is not necessary, since the pluginFocusedWindow stores information about the 
latest focused applet in the browser's window. This information is only used 
for focus restoring when the window becomes active again. So I think that is 
enough to update pluginFocusedWindow only in handleWindowFocusEvent() when the 
browser's window becomes inactive.

  What happens if the focused applet is closed? Does the pluginFocusedWindow  
correctly updated in this case?
  Does the closed applet receives handleFocusEvent(false) event?
The closing of an applet means that we closed the browser's window contained 
the applet or moved to another web-page. In this case we are not interesting in 
pluginFocusedWindow or focus events anymore, since all applets in the window 
are destroyed. If we go back to the applet's page, all applets will be started 
from scratch.

On 7/16/2014 4:08 PM, dmitry markov wrote:
Hi Alexandr,

I am sorry for the delay.
When a browser's window becomes active/inactive, the browser generates 
WindowFocusEvent and sends it to the applets via Java Plugin. So the order of 
the events is defined by the browser. I tested several browsers - all of them 
sends WindowFocusEvent(parentWindow=false) to the active window and then 
WindowFocusEvent(parentWindow=true) to inactive window during switching between 
two browser's windows. It looks like this is common practice for such 
operation. However, I did not find any docs which can confirm this behavior.

Please find new version of the fix here - 
- Made small refactoring: focusedWindow -> globalFocusedWindow, 
previousFocusedWindow -> pluginFocusedWindow, etc.
- Added manual test


On 04/07/2014 14:26, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:
On 7/3/2014 2:25 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:
On 7/3/2014 1:15 PM, dmitry markov wrote:
Hi Alexandr,

Thank you for review.
For the use case you described - when we move back to the first browser window 
with 3 applets, the first applet (not the second one) will receive the focus. 
This behavior is incorrect, since the second applet should receive the focus.
I have updated the fix, please find new version here: 
Now we store the information about focused applet when browser window is 
deactivated and restore the focus to the previously focused applet when browser 
window becomes active again
    The case can be more complicated with some browsers where each of them has 
several applets.
    It seems there should be a map between a browser and it's focused applet.
   I see that your fix solves these cases.

   One more problem can be with the WindowsFocusEvents order.
   Is it guarantee that order of events WindowsFocusEvent (parentwindow=false) 
to one browser and WindowsFocusEvent (parentWindow=true)
   for other browser can't be changed?

  I would suggest to  do a small refactoring.
  Something like focusedWindow to globalFocusedWindow, previousFocusedWindow to 
pluginFocusedWindow, add method like isPluginFocused(...)
  and use conditional operator '?' for globalFocusedWindow setting.


    Is it possible to add a manual test for the fix?



On 02/07/2014 16:36, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:
Let's assume one browser has 3 applets where the second applet has focus.
I click on the second browser with an applet (the applet receives the focus) 
and then click on the first browser back.
Should the second applet in the first browser receive the focus?


On 7/2/2014 2:45 PM, dmitry markov wrote:

Could you review the fix for jdk9, please?

    bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8044614
    webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dmarkov/8044614/jdk9/webrev.00/

Problem description: on Mac OSX when switching between several applets running 
in separate browser's windows, the applet in active window does not receive 
Fix: the method CEmbeddedFrame.handleWindowFocusEvent() should be modified. It 
has to detect the switching between browser's windows and update focusedWindow 
field accordingly.


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