This sounds terribly messy.
Is the getImage(File) doing the same ?
Really I would have expected an NPE in all cases that null was passed
ie both methods, regardless of SM ?

Else what are you getting back as an Image ?
Something that never actually completes /produces pixels,
equivalent to having an unresponsive URL as the source ?


On 04/15/2016 08:52 AM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:
On 15/04/16 19:26, prasanta sadhukhan wrote:
Hi Alex,

Just one observation.
If url is null in getImageFromHash() then wouldn't we be getting NPE from checkPermissions(url) as

it calls URLUtil.getConnectPermission(url); which calls url.toString().toLowerCase()

so it will not come to your check , right?

String key = (url == null) ? null : url.toString();

The behavior of the Toolkit.getImage(URL) method before the fix JDK-8011059 was that it did not throw NPE for null URL if the security manager is not set and threw NPE if it is set.

 It was the behavior that some applications can rely on.

I am not sure if it is now possible to change the Toolkit.getImage(URL) method behavior that it does not throw NPE with null URL when the SecurityManager is set.


On 4/15/2016 8:32 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:


Could you review the fix:

The fix makes the Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(URL) return a ToolkitImage based on URLImageSource with null url as it was before the fix JDK-8011059.


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