Hello Sergey,

The fix looks good (not a reviewer).


On 5/30/2016 7:39 PM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:
Please review the fix for jdk9.

The test DefaultPolicyChange_Swing.java has two issues:
- It uses invokeLater(), so the test usually pass before the code is executed on the EDT, because the main thread completes before. - The test fetches the FocusTraversalPolicy from the current KeyboardFocusManager. But default FocusTraversalPolicy can be changed during the Swing initialization(JDK-7125044). The test should save the state before setDefaultFocusTraversalPolicy() but after the Swing initialization, and validate that the FocusTraversalPolicy was not changed for windows which were already shown.

The fix proposed in the CR is applied + small cleanup(regtesthelpers removed and InvokeAndWait is used instead of InvokeLater+realSync)

Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8004693
Webrev can be found at: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~serb/8004693/webrev.01

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