final int roundDelta = isShift && roundDeltaY != 0.0 ? roundDeltaY :

roundDeltaY is integer and should be compared with 0

On Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 6:43 PM, Sergey Malenkov <> wrote:
> + (jint) scrollStateWithEvent: (NSEvent*) event {
> scrollPhaseFromEvent sounds more clear for me
>     if ([event type] != NSScrollWheel) {
>         return 0;
>     }
> We have no corresponding SCROLL_PHASE_ constant.
> This value is not processed and is processed like S_P_CONTINUED in our code.
> On Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 5:59 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy
> <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Could you review the updated fix:
>> - The CPlatformResponder.handleScrollEvent(...) is updated to dispatch  a
>> scroll event when delta or round delta is not equal to zero
>> - The native scrollStateWithPhase: method is updated to have NSEvent as an
>> argument
>> Thanks,
>> Alexandr.
>> On 30/09/16 16:58, Sergey Malenkov wrote:
>>> In the CPlatformResponder:
>>> phase3 0 ~ 0.0 // mayBegan
>>> phase2 0 ~ 0.0 // began
>>> phase3 0 ~ 0.0222015380859375
>>> phase3 0 ~ 0.0234222412109375
>>> phase3 0 ~ 0.023956298828125
>>> phase3 0 ~ 0.0242919921875
>>> phase3 0 ~ 0.02447509765625
>>> phase3 0 ~ 0.0246124267578125
>>> phase3 0 ~ 0.024658203125
>>> phase3 0 ~ 0.0222015380859375
>>> phase3 0 ~ 0.0233306884765625
>>> phase5 1 ~ 0.0 // end
>>> In Java:
>>> wheelRotation=0,preciseWheelRotation=-0.0222015380859375
>>> wheelRotation=0,preciseWheelRotation=-0.0234222412109375
>>> wheelRotation=0,preciseWheelRotation=-0.023956298828125
>>> wheelRotation=0,preciseWheelRotation=-0.0242919921875
>>> wheelRotation=0,preciseWheelRotation=-0.02447509765625
>>> wheelRotation=0,preciseWheelRotation=-0.0246124267578125
>>> wheelRotation=0,preciseWheelRotation=-0.024658203125
>>> wheelRotation=0,preciseWheelRotation=-0.0222015380859375
>>> wheelRotation=0,preciseWheelRotation=-0.0233306884765625
>>> We ignored first two events, because of 0 & 0.0
>>> We should not ignore last event, where 1 & 0.0
>>> Seems we need to fix DeltaAccumulator.
>>> On Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 2:25 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> Could you review the updated fix:
>>>> The momentumPhase is used to detect the trackpad events.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Alexandr.
>>>> On 30/09/16 14:58, Sergey Malenkov wrote:
>>>>>> # C  [AppKit+0x3a528e]  -[NSApplication _crashOnException:]+0x6d
>>>>>> The app is crashed as soon as I start scrolling. Investigating...
>>>>>> May be it is my fault during backporting.
>>>>> Sorry, It was may fault.
>>>>>> LWCToolkit.m:
>>>>>> ...
>>>>>> replace the comment with the following one:
>>>>> I discovered how we should detect mouse event properly: use both
>>>>> properties phase and momentumPhase.
>>>>> "The momentumPhase property helps you detect momentum scrolling, in
>>>>> which the hardware continues to issue scroll wheel events even though
>>>>> the user is no longer physically scrolling."
>>>>> if (phase==NULL) && (momentumPhase==NULL) -> this is a mouse event.
>>>>> scrolling by trackpad generates the following events:
>>>>> phase=mayBegan momentumPhase=null
>>>>> phase=began momentumPhase=null
>>>>> phase=continued momentumPhase=null
>>>>> ...
>>>>> phase=continued momentumPhase=null
>>>>> phase=ended momentumPhase=null
>>>>> phase=null momentumPhase=began
>>>>> phase=null momentumPhase=continued
>>>>> ...
>>>>> phase=null momentumPhase=continued
>>>>> phase=null momentumPhase=ended
>>>>> So, we should generate PHASE_UNSUPPORTED only
>>>>> if ((phase == NULL) && (momentumPhase == NULL))
> --
> Best regards,
> Sergey A. Malenkov

Best regards,
Sergey A. Malenkov

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