Stack overflow or someplace like that might be better for this sort of thing, 
feel free to point that out if so. 
But what is the best way to get a fullscreen window, less screen offsets with a 
hidden dock?  While still accounting for the possible dock. I generally like to 
have my dock hidden but pop up when needed. That space at the bottom of the 
screen is valuable real estate. However, this can occasionally be a nuisance if 
I want to actually get to something with the mouse at the very bottom of the 
screen and it keeps popping up the dock in the way. 
I am currently increasing the size of the main window of one of my 
application’s. Going for as big as I can get it sort of full screen, hopefully 
less insets for the dock. I can’t seem to get this. 
For example using this…

Insets insets = 

If I have the dock not visible but appearing automatically I get…
1/8/17 8:25:15.350 AM JavaAppLauncher[3384]: Insets 
No dock is accounted for at the bottom.

If I change this to always visible I get...
1/8/17 8:51:57.881 AM JavaAppLauncher[3430]: Insets 
There is the dock. 

How can I determine the correct value as below when the user preferences are 
set to not always visible as in the above?

Michael Hall

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