
Could you review a fix for jdk9, please?

        bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8163979
        webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dmarkov/8163979/webrev.00/

Problem description:
If the current keyboard layout is set to non-default value, (e.g. ABC, ABC 
Extended, etc) during Java launch, the input method functionality is not 
initialised correctly and may not work for some input methods, (e.g. 
OpenVanilla input method). The initialisation problems are caused by 
nativeGetAvailableLocales() function from CInputMethod.m. The function tries to 
obtain the list of available input method locales using platform API. If the 
retrieval is failed for some reason, nativeGetAvailableLocales() returns empty 
list or null.

The function nativeGetAvailableLocales() should return the list contained the 
current input method locale, if it cannot retrieve the list of available 
locales from the platform.


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