Hi Alexey, Sergey,

Thanks for your suggestions. I have removed the </li> tag and also removed the 
style header from DesktopProperties.html.

I have removed the commented out lines and empty tags as well from 
Modality.html, but have not changed anything else as suggested by Alexey.
Perhaps, addressing them in separate bug is better?

Here is the updated webrev: 


-----Original Message-----
From: Alexey Ivanov 
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2018 5:18 PM
To: Sergey Bylokhov <sergey.bylok...@oracle.com>; Krishna Addepalli 
<krishna.addepa...@oracle.com>; awt-dev <awt-dev@openjdk.java.net>
Subject: Re: <AWT Dev> [12]RFR: JDK-8213048: Invalid use of HTML5 in java.awt 

Hi Krishna,

On 26/11/2018 22:13, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:
> Hi, Krishna.
>> I added the closing "</li>" tag, since it wouldn't hurt and the tool 
>> was reporting it.
> But this tag is unused in our code, is not required by html5 and it 
> was not reported in the bug report.
> So I suggest to do not add them.

I agree with Sergey. Closing tag for <li> is not required. Adding it generates 
noise in code review: 2 out of 4 files do not contain tables at all. If the 
closing </li> tag is to be included, it should rather be done under a separate 

>> As for the style spec, thanks for your suggestion, I have moved it to 
>> the style block in the head section.
> Can we to drop them completely? are these custom styles really necessary?

I think we can drop all these properties at least for DesktopProperties.html.

The first table – The Standard Blocking Matrix — in Modality.html could 
benefit from centring the text. On the other hand, it remains readable 
and understandable when using the default left alignment.

You could also remove commented out <center> and </center> around the table:
210 <!--        <center> -->
250 <!--        </center> -->

The redundant <p> </p> at lines 209 and 211 can safely be removed. 
(Empty paragraphs are ignored in HTML anyway.)

The second table in Examples is there for no particular reason. I think 
presenting the examples in a nested list would be clearer than using a 
table where the second column is the example number.

It could be presented as:

     <li><b>Example 1<b>
     <li><b>Example 2<b>

Isn't it better?

Modality.html extensively uses underlined text. It should rather be bold 
or italic. Underline is reserved for hyperlinks and it's not recommended 
to use underline for any other purpose. Shall I file a bug to clean this up?

DesktopProperties.html for some reason uses Javadoc {@code ...} and 
{@link ...} formatting, it does not make sense in plain HTML. Is it yet 
another bug?


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