Hi Shashi,
I presume you meant this fix to be reviewed for 13.

Could you re-upload the patch with latest code? I tried importing the patch, 
but it fails to apply on the latest code.
Here is the output I get:

patching file src/java.desktop/macosx/classes/sun/lwawt/macosx/CAccessible.java
Hunk #1 FAILED at 0
Hunk #2 FAILED at 32
Hunk #3 FAILED at 109
Hunk #4 succeeded at 173 with fuzz 2 (offset 14 lines).
3 out of 4 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file 
abort: patch failed to apply


> On 01-Oct-2018, at 3:10 PM, shashidhara.veerabhadra...@oracle.com wrote:
> Hi All, Please review a fix for an accessibility bug.
> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8061359
> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sveerabhadra/8061359/webrev.00/
> Problem: The checkbox component state changes thro' keyboard space key were 
> not getting voiced over. The problem was that those events(state property 
> changes) were not processed and hence just ignored. Now added conditions to 
> send changes for the state changes associated with checkbox component.
> To test this, please use the swingset2 demo(or any swing application demo) 
> and go to any checkbox control(JCheckBox) and select and deselect it by 
> pressing space key. One should hear the component state, component name and 
> component type as shown in the attached picture. Please make sure you have 
> turned on the voice over on mac os(Command + F5).
> Currently I am not sure to add any manual test to test this out. Please let 
> me know if such a test needs to be added.
> Thanks and regards,
> Shashi
> <IMG_5218.JPG>

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