On 24/06/2019 15:23, Langer, Christoph wrote:
The original issues didn't have CSRs attached but it really feels CSRish. Let 
me know whether I shall create CSRs as you're still sorting out the process.
The sun.applet package was JDK internal so no CSR required to change or remove anything in that package. That said, we've historically been cautious about changing internal classes too much in update releases, mostly because it was never clear what/who might be using them directly. It's a bit easier since we moved the platform to modules but we aren't yet at the point where the standard and JDK modules are fully encapsulated at run-time.

As part of JEP 260 we put sun.reflect.ReflectionFactory into the "Critical internal API" bucket (with sun.misc.Unsafe and a few others) as it provides functionality that custom serialization libraries have been using. I think the CORBA bridge was the main user of newConstructorForSerialization. We neglected to remove the method in JDK 11 when removing java.corba module. It was removed in JDK 12 and that change should probably should have had a CSR (we wouldn't remove anything from sun.misc.Signal or sun.misc.Unsafe without a CSR). I'm not involved in JDK updates but I don't think it's a good idea to attempt to remove this in an update release.


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