On Mon, 14 Jun 2021 19:26:46 GMT, Phil Race <p...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>>> As far as I understand it is not directly related to the JTable and the bug 
>>> is reproduced if some specific font is used when any text is printed? Did 
>>> you check why the CTextPipe does not support it directly? It looks like the 
>>> JavaCT_DrawGlyphVector uses pure core graphics, which I think should 
>>> support this font?
>> Hi Sergey, Thank you for the comments.
>> JTable is not directly related, but it has child JComponents under texts. 
>> It's the trigger to meet the conditions to call the function.
>> In this case, the font was specified as "LucidaGrande" or "Dialog" by L&F. 
>> Non English character to print is another condition.
>> sun.font.CFont creates a composite font by the standard Mac cascade list. In 
>> my environment, font[4] is Japanese font, even if it's CFont("LucidaGrande").
>> CTextPipe.doDrawGlyphs uses one strike pointer, which is for one font. To 
>> support composite fonts, I think CTextPipe needs to handle array of strikes, 
>> and to switch fonts by slot data. I don't think this is a right way.
>> CTextPipe.drawGlyphVector receives only GlyphVector data and no Unicode 
>> character data. So, we cannot use fallback methods.
> @toshiona - is this PR dead ?

I'm deeply sorry for the long delay.
I completely changed the patch to use a different layer (SwingUtilities2.java).

> The immediately next method in this file, drawGlyphVector(..) surely would 
> have the same problem ?

Yes, I had to say the bottom methods (Core Graphics Framework's 
CGContextShowGlyphsWithAdvances and CGContextShowGlyphsAtPoint) seem no 
capability to handle multi fonts.

> And then the drawChars method too ?

No. If we can use Unicode codes, fallback mechanism can work.

> Does this not in fact affect all code points for which the slot != 0 ?

Yes. I believe all slot !=0 glyphs have the issue.

> Do we really want to print all code points from slot > 0 as shapes ? 

No, it's a kind of workaround. I thought the effects of the change can be 

> And if this code isn't expecting to handle composite fonts, how did we get 
> here with one ?
> Or maybe the problem is that the printing path code needs to handle this 
> downstream not upstream ?

The new version changed the branching conditions. If it's MacOS, that won't 
branch to the printing path, which uses Glyph codes.

Well, I still couldn't create an automate test.

I appreciate any advices.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/3619

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