Hi there,

First, hello everybody. I've just found this group, I hope it will
help me a little in this Axaptian deep ocean...

3 questions to start :
1- Is there anybody french (or french-speaking) in this group ?
As far as I know, there is at least two guys of those (I am not, sorry; my french is too bad to say so)

2- I want to make a "select count(*)" from an overview (in any form,
but let's take the custtable form). Just to get the number of records
my request gave me. How can I code this ?

best and easier method is SELECT count(recid) FROM Table; Now Table.recid is the number of records. Note that rest of fields are cleared!!

3- Furthermore, if I want to get back the parameters of a request
(fields + criteria) from a "search" or a "filter" command, how can I
do that ? (let's say I have to click on a home-made-report button,
which list me the content of the overview list in a form. If I click
on the autoreport button, it works, but it's ugly...)

Depends of ir it is from a form or a report; I assume a form.
A form have several datasources;choose the one you want. Take the QueryRun of that Datasource, the Query of that QueryRun (if not QueryRun is found, take directly the Query), and look all datasourcetables ans ranges of it.
Putting some complete example code would take me too time, you know...

Many, many thanks in advance for your answers,
SteF from Bordeaux,France. If custom office agrees, i send a bottle
of wine to the first guy who respond to me ! :)
not bad idea... could be a gin bottle, instead?? hehe!!

Regards from a neighbourg... from Spain!!

Raúl Llorente Peña

Técnico de Desarrollo e implementación en
Microsoft Bussiness Solutions-Axapta

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