Title: Message
We do not do credit limit checking in Axapta because credit limits gets checked in our legacy system that feeds into Axapta.  Our credit limit checking is therefore set to "none".  Am I right in assuming that this will  not have any performance implication as far as credit checking goes?
-----Original Message-----
From: James Flavell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2004 04:23
Subject: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Credit limit check performance

I understand the credit limit check can get pretty slow if set to anything other than 'Balance' but has anyone actually figured out how to speed it up without changing the basic checking it does?  Mcohen from technet are you out there on this group? If so can you share how you changed it in your system.
My customer checks 'Balance+All' , deletes sales order invoiced lines but leaves the sales order header so I thought this would mean things dont get too slow.  I thought the slowness came from the system having to check every existing sales line whether it had delivered or on order balance so I figured if I minimised the number of sales lines it would be okay....
Disc:#10457 Subj: Trade Series Art: None
10457.1 Performance issue with Credit check (philm, 15 Jul 2004 18:18:41 CET)
10457.2 It is a well known issue (mcohen, 20 Jul 2004 19:33:52 CET)

Contribution 10457.2 from mcohen, United States:

It is a well known issue

Regardless of the version 2.5 or 3.0, the credit limit check is very slow when the setting is other that just "Balance". We had to redesign it because of the large number of transactions. I do not know why Microsoft has not addressed this issue.

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