Hi All


I might have to correct something here. It is correct that the problem is the Axdat.udb, which holds the active Axapta user sessions and AOS instances. The problem is when network failure or a serious crash on the client site occurs. Windows doesn’t recognize it and can’t notify the aos instance about it.

The solution is to delete the axdat.udb file, when all users and AOS instances are closed.

Another solution that mostly works is to use the TCP/IP registry parameter “KEEPALIVETIME”. You can decrease the default value on the key from 2 hours to example 3 min.


We are currently investigating another solution for version 4.0 to solve the problem. Thanks


Happy New Year


Med venlig hilsen / Best regards

Kim Truelsen
Escalation Engineer
Microsoft Business Solutions Axapta
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From: Jim Jo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 28. december 2004 09:25
To: Axapta-Knowledge-Village@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Online users in Axapta


Hi Sadiq,


Do you know exactly which clients are not shown ? Like ..are they 2-tier or 3-tier ?? XP prof ? or NT Prof ??


How may AOS do you have ?? Only one or more than that ??? 






Mohammed Sadiq <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Mamidi


As you mentioned I have done it . But still I have the same problem. I deleted the file and restarted but still it will show some users and other users are not showing.Please suggest me .




From: Subrahmanyam Mamidi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 27, 2004 7:31 PM
Subject: Re: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Online users in Axapta


Hello Mohammed,


We had the same probelm . We have initially 100 licenses. And the online users used to show 23 users. And if anyone tries to log on to Axapta, it used to complain "max users exceeded"

When contacted Microsoft, they informed us that its a bug related to AOS and AXDAT.UDB file is getting corroputed. To temporarily solve this by MS folks, All you ( Admin) need to do is:


1. Stop AOS

2. delete AXDAT.UDB file.

3. restart AOS.

When you restart AOS, the new and correct version of AXDAT.UDB will be created.....

Now it will show you the Correct Number of Online USERs. I don't find the reply email from MS to forward it you, but that should work.

Enjoy Axapta



Mohammed Sadiq <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

          Our axapta server is installed on Microsoft windows 2003 server with 
database on oracle . We have 100 user licenses. It is in Implementation 
phase. We are facing a problem in
 "online users" session as it is not showing 
correctly who is logged on currently .it doesnt show some users who are 
Actually online. What can be the problem and how to rectify?


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