Dear anil,
Thanks a lot for the reply...
But for dimension table we can't set the Record level security ,since it will not appear in the table selection in the Record level security wizard. To make it available in the wizard list i have attached the security key to the Dimension table.But i'm able to set only for the dimension  not for the dimension values.
For the User "usr" Dimensions and vales applicable are:
1) Department :
2)Cost Center:
This kind of combination i'm not able to bring in the system.

anilsinha1968 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


You are correct in configuration. Please check your configuration
again. Record Level security is applicable on that particular table
only on which you have done setup.

For Ex:

You have a user "USR". Now you want that this user should see only
those customer who are in Department "DEP".

In this case you have to set Record Level security on CustTable and
in its department you have to select "DEP".

Now when user "USR" will login he will not be able to see any 
customer other than those who have dimension as "DEP". But if he will
use drop down for Dimension on Customer Form he can see all
department. To restrict you have to set Record Level security on
Dimension table.


--- In, "vettri_mca"
> Dear All,
> In record level security i attached a specific dimension value  to
> an user, but when the user is transacting the drop down in the
> dimension shows all the values, the system allows him to select any
> one of the values. This means the system is bypassing the
> of dimension usage attached to the user in the record level
> security.
> Am i wrong in the configuration?, if so kindly lemme know how to
> configure the same.
> My objective is to restrict the user in selecting a dimension.
> Thanks in Advance
> Vettri

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